Health Screenings Links

HealthScreenings Tip Book
Anti-Aging Tests
Estrogen Therapy Used Primarily to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
Men Experience Mid-Life Hormonal Changes Similar to Women
DHEA: Miracle Hormone or Not?
Progesterone is a Versatile Hormone Used by Many Bodily Systems
Beta-Carotene No Longer Viewed as 'Miracle Antioxidant'
Bioidentical Hormones Important in Anti-Aging Health Plan
Anti-Aging Medicine Has More to Offer Than Just Hormone Therapy
Anti-Again Doctors Say Caffeine Can Be Useful
Anti-Aging is a New Medical Subspecialty
Hormones and Supplements Can Be Useful in Anti-Aging
Controlling Cortisol in the Body is Important for Overall Health
Blood Tests
Arthritis Blood Tests: Common Tests
Hemoglobin A1c Test Measures Average Blood Sugar
Interpreting Your Blood Test Results
To Know For Sure, Get a Pregnancy Blood Test
Blood Tests For Anemia
Blood Glucose Tests: Controlling Blood Sugar
How to prepare for a fasting blood test
Blood Tests and Their Uses
Thyroid Blood Tests Complex and Accurate
CA-125 Blood Test Not Reliable Test For Ovarian Cancer
Routine Pregnancy Blood Tests Ensure Health of Mom and Baby
Genetic Blood Tests Useful in Many Phases of Life
Cardiovascular Testing
Cardiovascular Test: Cardiac Catheterization
A Lipid Profile Determines if Your Cholesterol Level is Healthy
VAP Cholesterol Test Gives Doctors More Information
C-reactive Protein Mysterious Factor in Heart Disease
Cardiovascular Test: Stress Test
Cardiovascular Test: Holter Monitor
Cardiovascular Tests: Carotid Scan
Cardiovascular Test: Coronary Calcification Score
Cardiovascular Test: Carotid Scan Can Predict Heart Events in Low Risk People
Cardiovascular Tests: Common Tests Insufficient for Diagnosing Female Heart Blockages
Cardiovascular Test: Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease
It Could be Heartburn or it Could be Something More Serious
Disease Testing
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Hypertension
Lab Tests for West Nile Virus
Mental Health Screenings Promote Overall Good Health
Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing Important to Overall Health
Lyme Disease Testing
Screeners Aimed at Diagnosing Autism Early
Women Over 50 Should be Tested For Osteoporosis
Colonoscopy Recommended For People Over 50
If You Are a Woman Over 40, Get a Mammogram
Free Health Screenings Often Available Locally
PSA Test Plays Important Role in Detecting Prostate Cancer
Tests For Detecting Heart Disease Numerous and Sophisticated
Early Detection of Cancer Saves Many Lives
Food Allergy Testing
Tests For Food Allergies Available and Accurate
Common Food Allergy Symptoms
Amino Acids and Their Role in Food Allergies
Genetically Engineered Foods: Miracles or Hidden Dangers?
Elimination Diet: What Can You Eat?
Food Allergy Treatment Options
Sesame Seeds, Corn and Food Dyes Also Common Food Allergens
Epi Pen Jr.® Important for Children With Life Threatening Allergies
Education is Vital Food Allergy Treatment
Food Allergies Are Becoming More Widespread
Life With Your Allergic Child
Health & Wellness Programs
Adrenal Stress Can Cause Lasting Health Problems
Health and Wellness: Manage Your Stress
Corporate Wellness Programs Beneficial to Both Employee and Employer
NMR LipoProfile Raises Standard for Lipid Testing
Mind, Body, Relationships and Spirit Key to Finding Wellness
Companies Focusing More Effort on Employee Wellness
Preventive Tests Key to Good Health For Women
Preventive Tests Key to Good Health For Men
Therapeutic Massage Helps Maintain Your Health and Wellness
Mental Illness Can Be Treated and Overcome
Depression a Very Treatable Mental Illness
High Blood Pressure Remedies
The Cause of Migraine headaches
What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
Stress and Your Mental Health
Persistent Tiredness May Indicate a Medical Condition
Health Care Provider
Medical Misinformation
You Can Achieve Healthcare Savings With Free Health Screenings
Maximize Your Healthcare Savings
Most Insurers Provide Some Coverage For Home Healthcare
Basic Life Support Course Helps Healthcare Providers Stay Current
Choosing a Home Healthcare Provider
Family Members Can Learn to Provide Amateur Home Care
Preventive Care Underused in America
Medicaid Assistance Available For Qualified Individuals
White House Working to Reform Healthcare
Consumer-Directed Healthcare May Result in Healthcare Savings
Breakdown of American Healthcare Spending
Health Risk Assessment
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Avian Flu
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for West Nile Virus
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Diabetes
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Heart Disease
Health Risk Assessment: Skin Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Cervical Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Prostate Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Bladder Cancer
Cancer Markers Useful, But Not Foolproof For Detecting Tumors
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Lung Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Colon Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Breast Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Alzheimer's disease
Laboratory Tests
All Humans are One of Four Blood Types: A, B, AB and O
Toxic Metals Can Be Life Threatening
How a Blood Sample Undergoes Laboratory Tests
Laboratory Tests: Surviving the Embarrassment of Unconventional Tests
Tips for Easing the Anxiety of Blood Draws
Prepare Adequately for Accurate Laboratory Tests
Options Are Available to Make Difficult Blood Draws Easier
Tips For Helping Your Child Cope With Laboratory Tests
All Labs Are Not Equal: Quality Laboratory Services Vital to Your Care
Home-Use Tests Can Provide Convenient, Private Health Information
Urinalysis Highly Common and Useful Laboratory Test
Stool Test: Unpleasant But Necessary Laboratory Test
Health Screenings Newsletter Archive
What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
The Cause of Migraine headaches
High Blood Pressure Remedies
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Hypertension
It Could be Heartburn or it Could be Something More Serious
Lab Tests for West Nile Virus
Persistent Tiredness May Indicate a Medical Condition
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for West Nile Virus
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Avian Flu
Stress and Your Mental Health
To Know For Sure, Get a Pregnancy Blood Test
Controlling Cortisol in the Body is Important for Overall Health
Anti-Aging is a New Medical Subspecialty
Stool Test: Unpleasant But Necessary Laboratory Test
Urinalysis Highly Common and Useful Laboratory Test
Home-Use Tests Can Provide Convenient, Private Health Information
All Labs Are Not Equal: Quality Laboratory Services Vital to Your Care
Tips For Helping Your Child Cope With Laboratory Tests
Options Are Available to Make Difficult Blood Draws Easier
Prepare Adequately for Accurate Laboratory Tests
Tips for Easing the Anxiety of Blood Draws
How a Blood Sample Undergoes Laboratory Tests
All Humans are One of Four Blood Types: A, B, AB and O
Life With Your Allergic Child
Food Allergies Are Becoming More Widespread
If You Are a Woman Over 40, Get a Mammogram
Colonoscopy Recommended For People Over 50
Women Over 50 Should be Tested For Osteoporosis
Lyme Disease Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing Important to Overall Health
Mental Health Screenings Promote Overall Good Health
Mind, Body, Relationships and Spirit Key to Finding Wellness
Health and Wellness: Manage Your Stress
Cardiovascular Tests: Common Tests Insufficient for Diagnosing Female Heart Blockages
Cardiovascular Test: Carotid Scan Can Predict Heart Events in Low Risk People
Cardiovascular Test: Coronary Calcification Score
Anti-Again Doctors Say Caffeine Can Be Useful
Anti-Aging Medicine Has More to Offer Than Just Hormone Therapy
Beta-Carotene No Longer Viewed as 'Miracle Antioxidant'
Progesterone is a Versatile Hormone Used by Many Bodily Systems
DHEA: Miracle Hormone or Not?
Estrogen Therapy Used Primarily to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
Breakdown of American Healthcare Spending
Consumer-Directed Healthcare May Result in Healthcare Savings
White House Working to Reform Healthcare
Medicaid Assistance Available For Qualified Individuals
Preventive Care Underused in America
Family Members Can Learn to Provide Amateur Home Care
Choosing a Home Healthcare Provider
Basic Life Support Course Helps Healthcare Providers Stay Current
Most Insurers Provide Some Coverage For Home Healthcare
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Alzheimer's disease
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Colon Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk For Lung Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Bladder Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Prostate Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Cervical Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Skin Cancer
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Heart Disease
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Diabetes
Education is Vital Food Allergy Treatment
Epi Pen Jr.® Important for Children With Life Threatening Allergies
Sesame Seeds, Corn and Food Dyes Also Common Food Allergens
Food Allergy Treatment Options
Genetically Engineered Foods: Miracles or Hidden Dangers?
Tests For Food Allergies Available and Accurate
Tests For Detecting Heart Disease Numerous and Sophisticated
Free Health Screenings Often Available Locally
Depression a Very Treatable Mental Illness
Mental Illness Can Be Treated and Overcome
Therapeutic Massage Helps Maintain Your Health and Wellness
Preventive Tests Key to Good Health For Men
Preventive Tests Key to Good Health For Women
Cardiovascular Tests: Carotid Scan
Cardiovascular Test: Holter Monitor
Cardiovascular Test: Stress Test
Cardiovascular Test: Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease
C-reactive Protein Mysterious Factor in Heart Disease
Genetic Blood Tests Useful in Many Phases of Life
CA-125 Blood Test Not Reliable Test For Ovarian Cancer
Adrenal Stress Can Cause Lasting Health Problems
Amino Acids and Their Role in Food Allergies
Hormones and Supplements Can Be Useful in Anti-Aging
Arthritis Blood Tests: Common Tests
Screeners Aimed at Diagnosing Autism Early
Blood Tests For Anemia
Blood Tests and Their Uses
Routine Pregnancy Blood Tests Ensure Health of Mom and Baby
Cancer Markers Useful, But Not Foolproof For Detecting Tumors
Corporate Wellness Programs Beneficial to Both Employee and Employer
Maximize Your Healthcare Savings
You Can Achieve Healthcare Savings With Free Health Screenings
Hemoglobin A1c Test Measures Average Blood Sugar
Laboratory Tests: Surviving the Embarrassment of Unconventional Tests
NMR LipoProfile Raises Standard for Lipid Testing
PSA Test Plays Important Role in Detecting Prostate Cancer
Men Experience Mid-Life Hormonal Changes Similar to Women
Elimination Diet: What Can You Eat?
Thyroid Blood Tests Complex and Accurate
Toxic Metals Can Be Life Threatening
VAP Cholesterol Test Gives Doctors More Information
Blood Glucose Tests: Controlling Blood Sugar
Common Food Allergy Symptoms
Bioidentical Hormones Important in Anti-Aging Health Plan
Interpreting Your Blood Test Results
A Lipid Profile Determines if Your Cholesterol Level is Healthy
Cardiovascular Test: Cardiac Catheterization
Early Detection of Cancer Saves Many Lives
Companies Focusing More Effort on Employee Wellness
Health Risk Assessment: Evaluating Your Risk for Breast Cancer
Health Screenings Frequently Asked Questions
What is a blood type and how is it determined?
What are toxic metals?
What happens to my blood sample after its drawn?
How do I keep from embarrassing myself when my doctor wants a urine, stool, sputum or semen sample?
How do I stay calm when I have to have blood drawn?
How do I prepare for my laboratory blood tests?
What can I do to make blood draws less painful for me?
How can I help my child who is scared of having blood drawn?
How do I know if the laboratory my doctor uses is high quality?
How do home-use tests compare to laboratory tests?
What is a urinalysis used for?
What is a stool test used for?
What is anti-aging medicine and is it legitimate?
How are hormones and supplements used in anti-aging?
What is cortisol?
What is estrogen therapy and is it right for me?
What is andropause and how is it treated?
What is DHEA and should I take it?
What is progesterone?
Do I need to take a beta-carotene supplement?
What are bioidentical hormones?
How do anti-aging physicians "treat" me for aging?
Does caffeine have any benefits?
What is a blood test?
What are some common blood tests for diagnosing arthritis?
What is the Hemoglobin A1c test used for?
How to I interpret my blood test results?
Do I need to get a pregnancy blood test?
If my doctor suspects I have anemia, what blood tests will he run?
How are blood glucose levels measured?
What are the blood tests for thyroid conditions and what do they look for?
Should I get a CA-125 blood test to find out if I may have ovarian cancer?
What are the routine pregnancy blood tests?
What is genetic testing and what is it used for?
What is a cardiac catheterization and why is it done?
What are healthy cholesterol levels and how are they measured?
What is the VAP Cholesterol test?
What does C-reactive protein have to do with heart disease?
What is Coronary Artery Disease and how is it diagnosed?
What is a stress test and what does it look for?
What is the Holter monitor test and what does it look for?
What is a carotid scan and why is it performed?
What is a coronary calcification score and how is it used?
I don't have many risk factors for heart disease. Do I need to be tested?
What kind of cardiovascular tests are specific for women?
What is adrenal stress?
How can I manage or reduce my stress level?
What can a corporate wellness program do for me?
What is an NMR LipoProfile?
How do I achieve total body wellness?
What wellness programs are available for employees of corporations?
I'm female. What preventive tests do I need to have?
I'm male. What preventive tests do I need to have?
What are the benefits of therapeutic massage?
What is mental illness?
What is depression and what are its symptoms?
How do I get access to free health screenings?
What is PSA and what is its role in prostate cancer?
What are some tests for heart disease?
What is early detection and why is it important?
What is a mental health screening and how would I get one?
What are the common and STDs and how are they diagnosed?
What kind of tests are available to determine if I have Lyme disease?
What is autism and how is it diagnosed?
What is osteoporosis and when do I need to be tested?
What is a colonoscopy and do I need one?
Do I need a mammogram?
What are food allergies and food intolerances?
How do I care for my child who has food allergies?
What kind of tests will I have if my doctor suspects a food allergy?
What are some common symptoms of food allergies?
What do amino acids have to do with food allergies?
Are genetically engineered foods more allergenic than existing foods?
What is involved in the elimination diet?
What are my options for treating food allergies?
What are some other allergenic foods I need to know about?
Does my child need an Epi Pen and if so, how is it used?
How do I educate people about my family's food allergies?
How do I determine if I am at high risk for diabetes?
How do I assess my risk for heart disease?
What is my risk for skin cancer?
How do I assess my risk for cervical cancer?
How do I assess my risk for prostate cancer?
How do I evaluate my risk for bladder cancer?
What are cancer markers?
How do I assess my risk for lung cancer?
How do I assess my risk for colon cancer?
How do I assess my risk for breast cancer?
How do I assess my risk for Alzheimer's disease?
How can I achieve healthcare savings?
How can I save money on healthcare?
Is home healthcare covered by insurance?
What is a BLS course for healthcare providers?
How do I choose a home healthcare provider?
What do I need to know to care for my loved one at home?
How well is healthcare used in America?
What is Medicaid and how do I know if I'm eligible?
What is President Bush doing to reform healthcare?
What is a Health Savings Account and what are its benefits?
Where is American healthcare money going?
How do I prepare for a fasting blood test?
What should I do if I have been a victim of medical misinformation?

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Carma Spence-Pothitt